- General Grover’s battle


For years, General Grover has worked alone to put humanity in its place—but now he’s seeking support from minions the world over at—with hilarious results. On his new site, this devious feline will blog about his exploits, illustrating battle plans and posting video footage of gut-splittingly funny kitty attacks. He’ll also seek suggestions from potential supporters of every species, and whenever possible, implement their ideas in future attacks. I'm excited because it’s all part of a social media experiment created by my interactive department and illustrated by yours truly. As Grover's arch enemy, General Sully Bonesaparte will be making appearances from time to time to egg him on.

We don’t dare call it the next LOL cats (although we won’t be surprised if you do), but is so funny, it just might make you pee your litter box! Visit today and watch as General Grover’s revolution takes on a life of its own!
Color by COLOURlovers

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